Waking Up With a Stiff Neck? Here's What do Do When You Sleep Wrong

Waking Up With a Stiff Neck? Here's What do Do When You Sleep Wrong

 Waking Up with a Stiff Neck? Here's What to Do When You Sleep Wrong 


Have you ever woken up feeling like you slept on your neck wrong? That uncomfortable stiffness or sharp pain can make even the simplest movements a challenge. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to alleviate discomfort and promote faster recovery. Here's what you can do: 


1. See a Chiropractor: A vast majority of people who complain of neck pain after sleeping have an unstable cervical spine. When the neck is unstable, sleeping posture and a variety of other physical, mental, and even chemical changes can aggravate an already existing spinal weakness. Chiropractors are specifically trained to locate, reduce and or correct cervical issues which reduce the resultant pain and symptoms.  


2. Ice/Heat: When the neck is unstable and painful to turn, an acute presentation, using ice for up to 20 minutes per session is recommended. A moist towel around the cold source helps the cold penetrate further. If the neck is just stiff and not painful to turn, then applying moist heat for up to 20 minutes is helpful. A moist towel again helps the heat source penetrate further. 


3. Gentle Stretching: Start your day with gentle neck stretches. Slowly tilt your head from side to side and let the weight of your head be the force. You do not have to use your muscles to pull the neck further. Stretching the neck forward then backward, again using just the weight of your head. Try and finish stretching backwards. Avoid turning side to side and especially rolling your head around in a circle. Ask your Chiropractor to see when you are ready for rotation.  


4. Sleeping with Support: If you sleep on your side use enough of a pillow to keep your head level after the pillows are compressed. Also keep your hard palate level. If you were to draw a line from your earlobe to where a mustache would be, that represents your hard palate. If you sleep on your back, then use a cervical pillow to stretch your neck forward while keeping the back of your head level with your mid back, if able. Sometimes attempting to sleep as described above may be too much change for your neck all at once. You may have to gradually progress to a fully correct sleeping posture, if able. Avoid sleeping on your stomach!!!  


5. Avoid Strenuous Activities: While it is essential to keep moving to prevent stiffness from worsening, avoid strenuous activities that may strain your neck further. Give your spinal ligaments time to rest and recover. 


6. Electronic Usage Posture: Unfortunately, most of our day is spent looking down. Laptops, tablets, cell phones, paper written information and even desktop computer usage cause us to look down. Besides elevating the reading source to eye level as much as possible, take breaks every 10 to 15 minutes to get up and walk, stretch, or move. Looking up periodically to reduce the forward flexion posture will help activate the extensor muscles which will help maintain a more proper cervical position.  


7. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps keep your soft tissue hydrated and flexible, which can aid in the recovery process. 


Remember, prevention is key to avoiding future incidents of waking up with a stiff neck. Pay attention to your sleeping habits, maintain good posture throughout the day, get regular Chiropractic corrective adjustments and listen to your body's signals. By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can effectively manage discomfort and promote better neck health for the many years to come!!  




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